The Lorax

The Once-ler describes the results of the local pollution problem.

Booko found 45 book editions and 2 video editions

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Jan, 2012

United Kingdom Jan, 2012

United Kingdom Jan, 2012

Sep, 2010

United Kingdom Oct, 2009

Apr, 2009

Apr, 2009

Jan, 2004

Oct, 1999

Jul, 1999

Jun, 1999

Feb, 1998

United Kingdom Nov, 1997

Sep, 1989

United States Aug, 1971

Aug, 1971

Jan, 1971

Jan, 1841

Apr, 1993

Booko collects this information from user contributions and sources on the internet - it is not a definitive list of editions. Search Booko for other editions of The Lorax.