The Dictionary of Imaginary Places: The Newly Updated and Expanded Classic

Throughout the ages, writers have created an astonishing diversity of imaginary places, worlds of enchantment, horror and delight. This monumental book, now more comprehensive than ever before, brings them together in a single volume.

Booko found 10 book editions

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Jan, 1980

Used: $49.61
Jan, 2002

Used: $48.00
Nov, 2000
New: $117.38

Used: $79.64
Oct, 2000
New: $58.36

Used: $43.07
United Kingdom Mar, 2000

Nov, 1999
New: $74.18

Used: $44.53
Sep, 1989
New: $85.87

Used: $38.38
Jan, 1987

Used: $36.85
Jan, 1981

Used: $55.79
United States Dec, 1980
New: $114.81

Used: $35.29

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