Garden of Shadows

Dollanganger Children

Relating the events that led to those in the popular horror series that began with "Flowers in the Attic" this novel introduces the young, dashing Malcolm Foxworth and his new wife, Olivia, and reveals why they became evil.

Booko found 13 book editions

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Dec, 1990

Feb, 2011
New: $14.99

Nov, 2010
New: $50.91

Used: $19.00
Apr, 2007
New: $23.07

Used: $12.51
Oct, 1999

Nov, 1990
New: $22.54

Used: $10.99
Jun, 1989
New: $218.72

Used: $21.00
Jan, 1989

Jan, 1989
New: $461.17

Used: $62.89
Feb, 1988
New: $192.85

Used: $39.73
Nov, 1987

Used: $30.25
Jan, 1987
New: $117.66

Used: $21.00

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