Pandora Hearts: v. 2

Pandora Hearts #2

"The answer you seek lies within them." Oz Vessalius may have survived his stint in the Abyss, but he is no closer to discovering the truth behind the "sin" for which he was condemned. On the advice of a mysterious man who appeared to him when Alice regained the first of her memories, Oz, along with Alice and Pandora's Raven, embarks on a mission to investigate the site of his disastrous coming-of-age ceremony in search of answers. However, what begins as a simple investigation becomes the revelation of a harsher reality, which comes swooping down on Oz as the hands of the clock continue ticking away mercilessly...

Booko found 2 book editions

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May, 2010
New: $26.76

Used: $21.60
Mar, 2007

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