
Eyewitness Books

Ever wonder what makes the wind blow? Or where clouds come from, or rain? Every day you experience weather, but why do you experience the weather you do? Explore weather, a subject that changes every day, with award-winning science writer Seymour Simon.

Booko found 21 book editions

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Jun, 2007
New: $51.26

Used: $24.19
Aug, 2006

Used: $24.54
Aug, 2006
New: $13.89

Used: $22.61
May, 2006
New: $533.21

Used: $30.51
Aug, 2004
New: $175.08

Used: $23.03
Aug, 2004
New: $195.62

Used: $36.88
Sep, 2003
New: $34.75

Used: $14.25
Aug, 2002
New: $33.13

Used: $13.08
Jan, 2002
New: $132.21

Used: $43.50
Sep, 2000
New: $115.49

Used: $31.26
Jun, 2000
New: $41.49

Used: $39.19
Feb, 2000
New: $330.21

Used: $34.47
Sep, 1997
New: $44.07

Used: $17.59
Apr, 1995
New: $71.31

Used: $45.34
Oct, 1994
New: $114.21

Used: $15.16
Aug, 1993
New: $135.89

Used: $36.05
Aug, 1993

Used: $28.71
Jul, 1991

Used: $31.07
Mar, 1991
New: $54.72

Used: $28.46
Jun, 1987
New: $53.80

Used: $16.55
Jan, 1960
New: $148.21

Used: $37.05

Booko collects this information from user contributions and sources on the internet - it is not a definitive list of editions. Search Booko for other editions of Weather.