Rolls-Royce and Bentley

The Crewe Years The names Rolls-Royce and Bentley have long been synonymous with engineering excellence, longevity, luxury and beauty of line. This re-designed and modernised third edition of a best-selling classic traces the remarkable story of these automotive aristocrats, examining all the post-war models manufactured at Crewe, bringing the story right up to date. More recent developments include the marques' acquisition in 1998 by rival German manufacturers, the last Crewe-built Rolls-Royce Corniche in 2002, and the 2007 Continental GT coupe and Bentley Arnage Diamond Series unveiled to mark 60 years of production at Crewe.

Booko found 3 book editions

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Oct, 2011

United Kingdom Jun, 1996

United Kingdom May, 1995

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