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Li Po (AD 701-62) and Tu Fu (AD 712-70) were devoted friends who are traditionally considered to be among China's greatest poets. Li Po, a legendary carouser, was an itinerant poet whose writing, often dream poems or spirit-journeys, soars to sublime heights in its descriptions of natural scenes and powerful emotions. His sheer escapism and joy is balanced by Tu Fu, who expresses the Confucian virtues of humanity and humility in more autobiographical works that are imbued with great compassion and earthy reality, and shot through with humour. Together these two poets of the T'ang dynasty complement each other so well that they often came to be spoken of as one - 'Li-Tu' - who covers the whole spectrum of human life, experience and feeling.

Booko found 14 book editions

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Dec, 2021
New: $24.15

Used: $43.74
Jul, 2015
New: $14.99

Jul, 2015
New: $14.99

Apr, 2015
New: $14.99

Apr, 2015
New: $25.05

Used: $39.07
May, 2012
New: $54.98

May, 2012
New: $54.98

Sep, 2011

Sep, 2011
New: $40.80

Mar, 2007

Sep, 2000

United Kingdom Apr, 2000
New: $190.84

Used: $16.81
Sep, 1982
New: $24.87

Used: $20.00
Dec, 1965
New: $148.07

Used: $35.14

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