Before Dementia

With answers for: How to prepare. How to cope. How to prevent. Dr Kate Gregorevic wants to ask you some difficult questions: How do I know if I have dementia? Is there a cure? How will I live with dementia? Can people with dementia consent to sex? Can people with dementia choose euthanasia for their future selves? How do I prevent dementia? Chances are you know someone with dementia, but how well do you really understand what it is? Dementia usually occurs after a long life and is a complex interplay of biological, social and psychological factors. Understanding this means understanding more about society and ourselves. Approaching the topic through 20 insightful questions, Dr Kate Gregorevic explains the physical state of dementia, how to relate the diagnosis to real life, what questions to ask your doctor, strategies for preventing the disease and how we can make homes and society better for people with dementia. While this book tackles challenging questions that some people will find uncomfortable, ultimately it helps us prepare, cope and understand this disease and our society better, and provides strategies for moving forward.

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