
The Asian Saga #2

Dick Straun, a pirate, smuggler, and ruthless individual, finds glory beyond his dreams as the Tai-Pan, or supreme leader, of Hong Kong. Reissue.

Booko found 142 book editions

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Dec, 2022
New: $77.37

Aug, 2019
New: $56.20

Used: $97.93
Mar, 2015

Mar, 2015
New: $81.51

Used: $91.09
Mar, 2015
New: $333.99

Mar, 2015
New: $102.99

Jun, 2013
New: $12.99

May, 2009
New: $48.99

Used: $47.53
Jul, 1999
New: $24.31

Used: $20.30
Jun, 1993
New: $30.99

Used: $34.54
Feb, 1988

Dec, 1983

Used: $238.19
Mar, 1983
New: $274.97

Used: $132.78
Jan, 1983

Used: $42.15
Aug, 1982

Used: $89.04
Jan, 1980
New: $944.00

Oct, 1977
New: $279.21

Used: $251.65
Sep, 1972

Used: $71.24
Jan, 1966
New: $1,373.21

Used: $42.30
New: $41.53

Nov, 1986

Used: $94.11
Jan, 1992

Used: $22.10

Used: $32.38
Jul, 2022

May, 2018

Sep, 2005

Used: $34.14
United Kingdom Jan, 1994
New: $170.13

Used: $18.33
Jan, 2017

Booko collects this information from user contributions and sources on the internet - it is not a definitive list of editions. Search Booko for other editions of Tai-Pan.