The Golden Age Green Lantern Archives

Green Lantern - Archives, Vol 01

Cover Art for 9781563895074, The Golden Age Green Lantern Archives by Bill Finger
ISBN: 9781563895074
Publisher: DC Comics
Published: 20 April, 1999
Format: Hardcover
Language: English

After finding a mystical lantern and carving a ring out of itsmaterial, Alan Scott was transformed from a simple engineer into thelegendary hero Green Lantern. The iconic predecessor to the many heroesthat bore his name after him, Scott wielded magic-based powers and sufferedfrom a vulnerability to wood. This hardcover archive edition, whichcollects Scott's earliest adventures from the 1930's, includes GreenLantern's first appearance, his origin, and the debut of his friend andconfidant Doiby Dickles.

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