Australian Ghost Stories

New haunting true crime stories of the supernatural and paranormal from the bestselling author of AUSTRALIA'S MOST INFAMOUS JAIL and AUSTRALIAN HEIST

Cover Art for 9781460764152, Australian Ghost Stories by James Phelps
ISBN: 9781460764152
Publisher: HarperCollins AU
Published: 2 October, 2024
Format: Paperback
Links Harper Collins
4 other editions of this product
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Haunting true crime stories of the supernatural and paranormal Forget Amityville, Annabelle and even the Connecticut home that inspired The Conjuring - the most haunted home that world-famous ghost hunter Lorraine Warren ever stepped foot in was a three-bedroom brick home in Gladesville, Sydney. In his award-winning narrative style, James Phelps, author of the bestselling Australia's Hardest Prison series, will re-create the thrilling histories of some of Australia's most haunted places, including Aradale Mental Hospital and its horrifying 126-year history. Featuring spine-tingling on-the-record accounts from those who have been at the centre of the hauntings, Ghost Stories exposes the secret and ghoulish history of some of Australia's most famous buildings.

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