The Universal History of Numbers: from Prehistory to the Invention of the Computer

from Prehistory to the Invention of the Computer: From Prehistory to the Invention of the Computer

Cover Art for 9780471375685, The Universal History of Numbers: from Prehistory to the Invention of the Computer by Georges Ifrah
ISBN: 9780471375685
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Published: 11 January, 2000
Format: Hardcover
Language: English
Links Australian Libraries (Trove)
1 other edition of this product
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The title doesn't lie. Mathematician Georges Ifrah's masterpiece, The Universal History of Numbers, is a wonderfully comprehensive overview of numbers and counting spanning all the inhabited continents as far back in time as records will allow us to look. Beyond the ancient Babylonians, Sumerians, and Indians, Ifrah takes us farther south into Africa to examine an early decimal counting system and into ancient Mexico to reconstruct what we can of the Mayan calendar and numerical system. The 27 chapters are chiefly organized by culture, though there are some cross-cultural overviews of topics like letters and numbers. The author's aim was grand: "to provide in simple and accessible terms the full and complete answer to all and any questions ... about the history of numbers and counting, from prehistory to the age of computers." This led him to wander the world for 10 years, studying and learning; this scholastic pilgrim has returned with amazing stories to tell. Toward the end of the book, Ifrah makes the book truly universal by refuting alien-intervention theories of cultural origins--surely our benefactors would have given us an efficient decimal counting system, zero and all, before helping us build pyramids and such. Such charming ideas, combined with such rigorously researched facts, make The Universal History of Numbers a uniquely important and fascinating volume. --Rob Lightner

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