Commercial Law: Commentary and Materials

Commentary and Materials Fourth Edition

Cover Art for 9780455240626, Commercial Law: Commentary and Materials by Gail Pearson, Elisabeth Peden, Gj Tolhurst
ISBN: 9780455240626
Publisher: Lawbook Co., AUSTRALIA
Published: 22 March, 2019
Format: Paperback
Language: English
1 other edition of this product

Commercial Law: Commentary & Materials provides a comprehensive range of case material, legislation & secondary materials essential to the study of commercial & personal property law in Australia. It opens with a discussion on the distinctiveness of Australian commercial law, then continues with a treatment of what influences & informs Australian commercial law & concludes with the future of commercial law (including the impact of electronic commerce). This new casebook covers both product-based trade & trade in services, the former being of particular relevance to the modern information economy. The extensive commentary guides readers through the extracted materials & situates them in an historical context. It accentuates the fundamental principles of commercial & personal property law but not at the expense of taking a critical view of the current state & how it can be reformed.

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