Shadow Prey

Lucas Davenport #2

Detective Lucas Davenport joins forces with NYPD detective Lucy Rothenburg to solve a series of grisly killings that have terrorized the country, from Minneapolis to New York, following an enigmatic killer whose trail leads to a Native American embodiment of a primal evil known as Shadow Love. Reissue.

Booko found 34 book editions

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Feb, 2020
New: $24.05

Used: $16.19
May, 2019
New: $12.99

May, 2019
New: $12.99

May, 2019

Nov, 2012
New: $34.99

Nov, 2012
New: $71.70

Jun, 2012

Jun, 2012
New: $35.89

Aug, 2009
New: $28.41

Used: $35.05
Jun, 2006

Mar, 2006
New: $23.01

Used: $20.22
Mar, 2006

Apr, 2004
New: $166.36

Used: $34.81
Apr, 1994

Used: $14.96
May, 1991

Mar, 1991

Mar, 1991

Feb, 1991
New: $40.63

Used: $16.10

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