To Hell and Back

Dante Valentine

With her body shattered, her mind in turmoil, and her life in utter chaos when she becomes a pawn in one of Lucifer's endless games, Necromancer Dante Valentine is just angry enough to come up with a scheme to make the Devil pay. Original.

Booko found 22 book editions

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United States Jan, 2008

Oct, 2005

United Kingdom May, 2011
New: $12.99

Sep, 2008
New: $15.99

May, 2008
New: $42.95

Used: $14.71
Jan, 2008

Used: $20.00
Apr, 2003
New: $22.49

Used: $14.25
United States Aug, 2002
New: $28.89

Used: $19.96
Sep, 1999

Used: $13.20
Feb, 1999

Dec, 1998
New: $61.99

Dec, 1998
New: $127.99

Aug, 1998

Mar, 1998
New: $199.15

Used: $18.46
Jul, 1997
New: $165.43

Used: $39.15
Sep, 1989

Used: $33.96
Dec, 1988
New: $395.83

Used: $319.56

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