Appointment With Death

Hercule Poirot #19

The unstoppable Hercule Poirot finds himself in the Middle East with only one day to solve a murder in the classic Agatha Christie mystery, Appointment with Death


Among the towering red cliffs of Petra, like some monstrous swollen Buddha, sits the corpse of Mrs. Boynton. A tiny puncture mark on her wrist is the only sign of the fatal injection that killed her.


With only twenty-four hours available to solve the mystery, Hercule Poirot recalled a chance remark he’d overheard back in Jerusalem: “You see, don’t you, that she’s got to be killed?” Mrs. Boynton was, indeed, the most detestable woman he’d ever met. . . .

Booko found 68 book editions and 1 video edition

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Jul, 2012

Oct, 2008

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Aug, 2020
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Nov, 2019
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Jul, 2019
New: $26.73

Used: $27.63
Oct, 2017
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Used: $33.10
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Oct, 2017
New: $19.09

Oct, 2017
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Oct, 2016
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Oct, 2016
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Sep, 2016
New: $19.40

Used: $19.35
Jun, 2016
New: $95.99

Jun, 2016
New: $57.83

Jun, 2016
New: $116.99

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