Just Breathe

Mastering Breathwork for Success in Life, Love, Business, and Beyond

Reduce stress and anxiety, increase your productivity, detox your body, balance your health, and find the path to greater mindfulness with this collection of signature breathing techniques by the world's leading breathmaster, Dan Brulé.What if you could control your outcomes and change results simply by controlling your breath? Now you can. In this definitive handbook, world-renown pioneer of breathwork Dan Brulé shares for the first-time his Breath Mastery technique that has helped more than 10

Booko found 12 book editions

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Mar, 2017

Feb, 2019
New: $82.99

Feb, 2018
New: $24.90

Used: $28.76
Mar, 2017
New: $9.99

Mar, 2017
New: $25.89

Mar, 2017

Mar, 2017

Mar, 2017
New: $9.99

Mar, 2017

Mar, 2017

Feb, 2017

Used: $43.12
Dec, 2017

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