The Princess Diaries, Volume IX: Princess Mia

The Princess Diaries #9

Meg Cabot is the author of several successful books for teenagers and adults. Her Princess Diaries series has sold in vast quantities and two movies based on the series have been massively popular around the world. Her books have topped the bestseller lists for weeks. She and her husband split their time between Florida and Indiana.

Booko found 32 book editions

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Mar, 2016

Nov, 2010

Oct, 2009

Oct, 2009

Jan, 2009

May, 2016
New: $9.99

Mar, 2016
New: $22.35

Used: $17.84
Jan, 2009
New: $22.61

Used: $16.32
Jan, 2009
New: $58.50

Used: $125.35
Jan, 2009

Used: $37.00

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