Benjamin Franklin: An American Life

Presents a portrait of Benjamin Franklin as a scientist, inventor, diplomat, writer, business strategist, and statesman while tracing his life as one of America's Founding Fathers.

Booko found 17 book editions

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Jul, 2003

Jul, 2003
New: $36.98

Apr, 2011

Apr, 2011

Apr, 2011
New: $80.74

United States Jun, 2004
New: $26.61

Used: $33.31
Jun, 2004
New: $26.61

Jun, 2004
New: $26.61

Apr, 2004

Jan, 2004
New: $588.36

Aug, 2003

Jul, 2003
New: $19.99

Jul, 2003

Jul, 2003
New: $66.33

Used: $37.22
Jul, 2003

Used: $70.90
United Kingdom Jan, 2003
New: $54.59

Used: $30.00
Jan, 2003
New: $19.99

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