Cards on the Table

Hercule Poirot #15

In Agatha Christie’s classic mystery, Cards on the Table, the wily Hercule Poirot is on the case when a bridge night turns deadly

Mr. Shaitana is famous as a flamboyant party host. Nevertheless, he is a man of whom everybody is a little afraid. So when he boasts to Hercule Poirot that he considers murder an art form, the detective has some reservations about accepting a party invitation to view Shaitana’s “private collection.”

Indeed, what begins as an absorbing evening of bridge is to turn into a more dangerous game altogether.…

Booko found 67 book editions

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Jun, 2022
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Jul, 2021
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Aug, 2020

Aug, 2020
New: $36.98

Jul, 2012

Nov, 2010
New: $356.15

Used: $51.85
Dec, 2003

Jan, 2001

Oct, 1996

Used: $15.98
Jan, 1993

Used: $13.63
Nov, 1992

Apr, 1987

Used: $51.39
Feb, 1976

Used: $18.93

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