Plum Pudding Murder

Hannah Swensen Mysteries

New York Times"-bestselling author Fluke gives her readers a special holiday treat--an all-new Hannah Swensen holiday mystery with recipes for a complete Christmas dinner.

Booko found 11 book editions

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Sep, 2019
New: $22.20

Used: $23.30
Oct, 2010

Sep, 2009

Sep, 2015
New: $106.32

Used: $21.58
Sep, 2010
New: $18.74

Used: $18.65
Sep, 2010

Nov, 2009
New: $95.74

Used: $24.34
United States Oct, 2009
New: $43.84

Used: $17.27
United States Oct, 2009
New: $56.96

Used: $13.54

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