Peach Cobbler Murder

Hannah Swensen Mysteries

Bakery owner and occasional sleuth Hannah Swensen finds herself the prime suspect when Shawna Lee, a co-owner of a rival bakery in Lake Eden, turns up dead.

Booko found 13 book editions

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Jan, 2016
New: $54.93

Used: $33.50
Jan, 2016
New: $142.88

Used: $21.09
Nov, 2008

Feb, 2008

Feb, 2006

Feb, 2006

Aug, 2005
New: $223.78

Used: $23.30
Mar, 2005
New: $63.45

Used: $18.54

Oct, 2011
New: $21.31

Used: $17.04
Feb, 2010

Used: $46.44
Feb, 2006
New: $57.90

Used: $10.99

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