Working for the Devil

Dante Valentine

When the Devil needs a rogue demon killed, who does he call?
The Player: Necromance-for-hire Dante Valentine is choosy about her jobs. Hot tempered and with nerves of steel, she can raise the dead like nobody's business. But one rainy Monday morning, everything goes straight to hell.
The Score: The Devil hires Dante to eliminate a rogue demon: Vardimal Santino. In return, he will let her live. It's an offer she can't refuse.
The Catch: How do you kill something that can't die?

Booko found 19 book editions

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May, 2014

Feb, 2012

United States Jan, 2012

United States Jan, 2012

Sep, 2007
New: $12.99

Jan, 2012

United States Jan, 2012
New: $148.99

United States Jan, 2012

Used: $96.34
Jun, 2011

Jun, 2011

Used: $41.20
May, 2011
New: $12.99

Mar, 2006
New: $45.97

Used: $17.42
Sep, 2007

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