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Edward Hopper wall calendar 2016 (Art calendar)

Cover Art for 9780143785750, The Yield by Tara June Winch
Cover Art for 9781982167349, The Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir by John Bolton
Cover Art for 9781925432473, MoMA at NGV by Juliet Samantha Friedman
Cover Art for 9781471146718, Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike by Phil Knight
Cover Art for 9782081513396, Be My Guest by Pierre Sauvage
Cover Art for 9781442559516, Macroeconomics : Australiasian Edition (4th Edition) by Olivier Blanchard, Jeffrey Sheen
Cover Art for 9780008170783, What Pet Should I Get? by Dr. Seuss
Cover Art for 9780316457453, Talking to Strangers by Malcolm Gladwell
Cover Art for 9781783614561, Edward Hopper wall calendar 2016 (Art calendar) by Flame Tree Publishing

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