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The Color Purple

Cover Art for 9781787634381, Women and Leadership: Real Lives, Real Lessons by Julia Gillard, Okonjo-Iweala, Ngozi
Cover Art for 9781101875414, The Bed Moved: Stories by Rebecca Schiff
Cover Art for 9780976990796, The Elf on the Shelf: A Christmas Tradition (includes brown-eyed boy scout elf) by Carol V. Aebersold
Cover Art for 9781780228716, The Color Purple by Alice Walker
Cover Art for 9780733641558, Whisper Network by Chandler Baker
Cover Art for 9781529151787, Surrender by Bono
Cover Art for 9780207174339, Rainbow Serpent by Dick Roughsey
Cover Art for 9780241535868, The Bomber Mafia: A Story Set in War by Malcolm Gladwell
Cover Art for 9783446256903, Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls: 100 außergewöhnliche Frauen by Elena Favilli, Francesca Cavallo

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