Understanding Isaiah

Cover Art for 9781573453615, Understanding Isaiah by Donald W Parry
ISBN: 9781573453615
Publisher: Deseret Book Co
Published: 1 April, 1998
Format: Hardcover
2 other editions of this product
Saving: Saving: $78.12 or 94%

What is it about the writings of Isaiah that causes many of us to be overcome by feelings of dread and trepidation? With this new book, no student of the Bible or Book of Mormon has need to fear. In Understanding Isaiah, the authors break down the otherwise formidable words of Isaiah into small bites that can be absorbed, pondered, and comprehended. Unlike other works on Isaiah, this book goes beyond commentary and actually includes the verses of text comprising not only the King James Version of the Bible but also the Joseph Smith Translation and the Book of Mormon, presenting the most correct translation available today. The text is presented in the same couplet format as it was likely originally written. The authors examine each unit of thought individually, likening it to our modern-day life and presenting definitions and explanations of meaning based on thorough study of the Hebrew language. The result is a comprehensive, accessible reference work that imparts readers an unprecedented understanding of Isaiah. (6' x 9', 720 pages)

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