Justice Hall

Cover Art for 9781458768827, Justice Hall by Laurie R. King
ISBN: 9781458768827
Publisher: ReadHowYouWant
Published: 23 June, 2016
Format: Paperback
Language: English
13 other editions of this product

BONUS: This edition contains an excerpt from Laurie R. King's Pirate King. Only hours after Holmes and Russell return from solving one murky riddle on the moor, another knocks on their front door...literally. It’s a mystery that begins during the Great War, when Gabriel Hughenfort died amidst scandalous rumors that have haunted the family ever since. But it’s not until Holmes and Russell arrive at Justice Hall, a home of unearthly perfection set in a garden modeled on Paradise, that they fully understand the irony echoed in the family motto, Justicia fortitudo mea est: A trail of ominous clues comprise a mystery that leads from an English hamlet to the city of Paris to the wild prairie of the New World. The trap is set, the game is afoot; but can Holmes and Russell catch an elusive killer--or has the murderer caught them?

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