The Friends of Eddie Coyle

Cover Art for 9781409127871, The Friends of Eddie Coyle by George V. Higgins
ISBN: 9781409127871
Publisher: Hachette
Published: 6 September, 2012
Format: eBook - EPUB
Language: English
20 other editions of this product

'The best crime novel ever written' - Elmore Leonard When small-time gunrunner Eddie Coyle is convicted on a felony, he's looking at three years in the pen - that is, unless he sells out one of his big-fish clients to the DA. But which of the many hoods, gunmen and executioners he calls his friends should he send up river?Set on the mean streets of Boston and told almost entirely in crackling dialogue by a vivid cast of cops and lowlifes, The Friends of Eddie Coyle set a standard for authentically gritty crime fiction that has never been bettered.

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