How To Be A Complete and Utter Blunt

Diary of a Reluctant Social Media Sensation

Cover Art for 9780349134710, How To Be A Complete and Utter Blunt by James Blunt
ISBN: 9780349134710
Publisher: Constable
Published: 10 November, 2020
Format: Hardcover
Language: English
3 other editions of this product
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"If it wasn't for Twitter everyone would've forgot about @JamesBlunt tbh!" "...And the most relevant you'll ever be is that one time James Blunt tweeted you." Filled with harsh truths told with a wicked sense of humour, How to be a Complete and Utter Blunt: Diary of a Reluctant Social Media Sensation will bring together the best tweets from the King of Twitter, James Blunt. The singer, known for his iconic hit 'You're Beautiful', established his presence - currently just shy of 2 million followers - on this popular platform by responding to critical commentary on his career with sharp, self-deprecating, and witty responses. For years, his hilarious 280-character insights into the life of a 'one-hit wonder' have been the subject of countless articles, interviews and even an Amazon ad campaign; now, with help from the keyboard comic himself, they'll be together for the first time in this tongue-in-cheek, tweet-by-tweet Blunt guide to life. "@JamesBlunt should I recommend your music to my friends?" "...Not if you want to keep them."

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