Our Mutual Friend

Cover Art for 9780099540694, Our Mutual Friend by Charles Dickens
ISBN: 9780099540694
Publisher: Vintage Classics
Published: 1 August, 2011
Format: Paperback
Language: English
43 other editions of this product
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WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY NICK HORNBYJohn Harmon returns to England after years in exile to claim his inheritance: a great fortune and a beautiful young woman to whom he is betrothed, but has never met. When Harmon's body is pulled out of the Thames, all of London is fascinated by the mystery of the murdered man and his unclaimed riches. Scavengers, social-climbers, lawyers and teachers, a money-lender and a dolls-dressmaker, men and women both honest and villainous, will all become embroiled in this tale of love and obsession, death and rebirth.

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