Sharpe's Enemy

The Defence of Portugal, Christmas 1812 (The Sharpe Series, Book 15) (The Sharpe Series)

Cover Art for 9780007452972, Sharpe's Enemy by Bernard Cornwell
ISBN: 9780007452972
Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers
Published: 1 March, 2012
Format: Paperback
Language: English
14 other editions of this product

Newly promoted, Major Richard Sharpe is given the task of rescuing a group of well-born women, held hostage high in the mountains by a rabble of deserters. And one of the renegades is Sergeant Hakeswill, Sharpe's bitter enemy.Sharpe has only the support of his own company and the new Rocket Troop - the last word in military incompetence - but he cannot afford to contemplate defeat. For to surrender or to fail would mean the end of the war for the Allied armies.

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